Our Family

Just the 3 of us..
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Yep, we are alive..

So, apparently I am only allowed to blog when I'm back in the routine of things and "make time".  I have no excuse.  We literally did nothing all summer, and loved every minute of it. We played in the pool almost everyday, so I got some sun, took a lot of trips to Greene, had a wedding that my sister and her family came home for, and that's about it!  oh, and we MOVED!  At the end of May, we moved to Mason City and are LOVING not driving to work..  We live about 3 blocks from the school, and its so nice.  Daycare is about 3 minutes from our house as well.  We love our new house.. we have so much space and Leah loves all the space to run and be crazy. 
I will update with pictures soon, but there ya go... 3 months of update :)

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